MUsic at RBC 

Our Worship group have made various recordings and they have been linked here for you enjoyment.

Click here for RBC Music or here for Christmas Carols at RBC.


Worship Group - Values

  1. The RBC worship group and AV team exist to lead the congregations at Romford Baptist Church in worship to honour God. (John 4:24; 2 Chron 20-21).

  2. Worship is a whole life act and so we recognise that, at all times, being part of the worship group and AV team is a privilege and should be reflected in the way we live and act. (Romans 12:1).

  3. The Romford Baptist Church Worship group and AV team is committed to supporting one another, playing our part and caring for one another. This is through prayer, practical means and actions that will support and honour one another. (1 Cor 12:12-30).

  4. Being part of the RBC Worship group and AV team is to use our God-given gifts.  We will be accountable to the church leadership and pastors who will, alongside the group, discern gifting and encourage gifts to be used. (Romans 12:6-8).

  5. As members of the team, we commit to meeting, practicing, and developing our gifting and skills.  This is through receiving and giving training.  We prioritise our rehearsal sessions and allow the gifts God has given us to be fanned into life. (1 Pet 4:10).

  6. We commit to good disciplines of time keeping and being prepared so, as members of the team, we honour God and each another by giving our best to the Lord and one another. (1 Cor 10:31; Gal 6:4).

  7. We welcome and embrace new people into the team and will work with them, and the pastors, to discern gifting and skills.  We will also signpost other areas of the church for service as appropriate. (1 Cor 12:4-11).

  8. Whilst wanting to be welcoming to all, it is vital that members of the team are suitably gifted for the roles they play in the team.  Therefore, we will submit ourselves to the testing and discernment of the team and pastors as to our talents and abilities.  We recognise that not all are gifted in music, not all are gifted in administration, not all are gifted with AV skills, and not all are gifted with the ability to play an instrument.  We do all have gifts and as a team we covenant to work within the areas we are gifted in, as recognised, not just by ourselves, but by others within the team, the pastors and the church.  (1 Cor 12:4-11).

  9. We will support those delegated by the pastors to coordinate and lead the group, ensuring their role and the role of the pastors is one of delight and support in leading worship to the Glory of God. (Heb 13:17).

  10. We covenant not to behave in a destructive way in our sessions; where there are disputes or concerns, they will be raised quietly, truthfully and with grace and humility.  Where necessary, the pastors will work for solutions.  In all aspects, the unity of the team and the church is of primary importance. (1 Cor 1:10;  Phil 2:2;  2 Cor 13:11).

  11. As we represent our Lord and His Church as a team, we will seek to reflect God’s joy and hope in our actions, words and expressions. This is particularly important when we are leading the church in worship. (Col 3:16; John 4:24).

  12. Belonging to the team is only part of belonging to the church, as a whole.  We will commit to playing our part in the wider church and using our gifts and skills there as well.  (1 Cor 12:12ff).

Dated August 2022

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